Thursday, September 19, 2013

Too Hard in Panama

American Outlaws just released their package for the last game of the Hex in Panama City. The hotel? The Panama City Hard Rock Hotel.

I like ya, AO, but it's a real shame that the AO packages have become all about not experiencing any of the country where the game's being played and all about being a stereotypical terrible American tourist.

Oh, and the package is $693 for three nights. See above.

This does remind me that I should start looking for hotels in Panama City for myself and my friend Andy. We get in Sunday night and leave Thursday morning.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dos a Cero, Again and Again


I could go on and on about the experience, but there are plenty of accounts already out there.

I could go on and on about how some supporters have been crappy to each other... but I just don't feel like it. Y'all know the problem. In the words of Wil Wheaton: don't be a dick.

I had a great time in Columbus. Good local beers, good parties, great result. See y'all in Kansas City.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hex 2013, Round 7: Well, That Hasn't Gone Well

Let's all just forget that game on Friday ever happened, eh?

I type this from a hotel room in Alajuela, Costa Rica, near Aeropuerto Internacional Juan SantamarĂ­a (SJO). It's been a terrific, albeit whirlwind, trip.